A New (New) Beginning

Have you ever had goals and months later either have forgotten them or simply just thought about them and think “Nah, don’t feel like it”? That’s how it’s been for many things for me.

This year the main goal I’ve been really focusing on has been fitness wise. Sure I haven’t really lost much weight as I would have like but I’ve been going consistently which has helped me mentally wise. But that’s not the only goal that I’ve really wanted to focus on this year.

That goal: To create a new website (Blog) showcasing as to what goes around my life and what seems interesting. Maybe a movie review here, a trip review there. Almost like a lifestyle blog mixed in with other things such as business, entrepreneurship, and such. A personal blog is the right phrase for it but I want to turn it into much more. For now, I’ll just be posting content and really making sure that what is shown on the website represents what I feel, as well as others opinions that I agree with (Maybe even a good back and forth discussion).

This one was the main goal that I really wanted to this year. To write down my thoughts so others can see and hopefully, give feedback or take it in. Procrastination though, really is the B word.

For the first few months of 2018, I really focused on trying to better myself as an individual and with that I started to create this blog. I unfortunately, couldn’t find the courage to actually focus on it and promote it. I was…nervous and lacked the will to actually do it (Unlike Thanos, Infinity War, watch it!). Sorry, huge Marvel fan.

The reason for this post if more of a promise or accountability. I haven’t spent hours a day trying to make this website, writing ideas, drafting etc just to write a post and then disappear for months.

Thank you for spending time to read this post and hopefully you come back to read more. This is only the beginning of this website (Also Podcast under the same name, post about that soon).

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